Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Passing Show of 1918

This documentary follows the lives of seven Americans during the last eight months of World War I. All of them were connected, in one way or another, with the 27th and 30th American Divisions which fought under the British in Belgium and France in the final months of the war.  These divisions helped to break the supposedly impregnable Hindenburg Line. The documentary uses the actual words of the individuals taken from their letters, diaries, books and historical monographs.

The documentary will show the war from the personal points of view of those who encountered it first hand.  Our original intent in taking up this project was to tell the story of the war through one person -- our great uncle, Walter Lindahl.  But, in researching the path to his death, we came across wonderful accounts of other people who fought in the same battles and experienced many of the hardships and adventures that he did during the Great War.  We decided to tell a larger story of these American soldiers attached to the British -- a story that was never completely told when it happened and that has been almost forgotten during the past century.